Man, every time I sit down to write one of Harper's monthly updates, I'm amazed at all of the "big" things that have happened to her that month. I think to myself, "What big adventures for such a little girl." I usually end each entry with, "I can't wait to see what adventures next month brings you." But in my head, I'm also thinking,
It can't get much bigger than this. And then it does!! Month five was pretty darn exciting for one sweet little girl.
She was a lion... |
A skeleton... |
She went on her first plane ride... |
Saw her first snow... |
Had lots of quality time with Nonnie... |
Met Uncle Rob... |
Drove her first car...JUST KIDDING! |
Drove her first cart...for real. She's a big girl now, you know. |
Happy 5 months, Harper! The Mays just love you so much!