Saturday, May 12, 2012

11 Months!

Holy smokes!! As I was getting Harper ready for her "photo shoot" this morning, I took out her monthly sticker and realized I only HAVE ONE STICKER LEFT! Where did the time go?! When I was pregnant or when Harper was a newborn, I was slightly annoyed by how many times I heard, "Enjoy this time, it goes by so fast." But DAMN!!! It goes by SO. FAST.

And I gotta say, these photo shoots are getting harder and harder. My girl just does not sit still. I mean seriously...

This has been such a fun month! Harper is slowly but surely a walker. It started out with just a few steps at a time, and never when we wanted her to. If we stood her up and tried to get her to walk to us, she'd plop down and crawl. But when she was distracted with three things in her hands and another thing she wanted across the room, then she'd walk. It was a lot like the crawling process (of course it would be), where she knew how to walk, but she also knew crawling was faster. But I think it's safe to say at this point, we have a toddler in our house. What?!

Anyway, Harper has been a busy little bee this month. We've both really added to our social calendar and have had so much fun playing with other babes and mommas! We went to the zoo, had weekly playdates with friends, played at the playground with friends...just gotten out of the house! It's so nice to have something to do every day that gets us out and interacting with other people.

I have a feeling we're going to have some trouble with all these boyfriends Harper's got!

 The weather here is slowly getting hotter, so we're taking in all the sun while we can stand it.

I have loved watching my girl grow this month, even though with each new milestone she's becoming less of a baby. I can't believe next month my baby will be ONE!! 

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