This morning we all decided to go out for a nice, friendly game of tennis. Conveniently enough, Chapter 5 in my new book was on shooting sports. I've never quite been able to get a clear action shot, but I had the perfect opportunity today to practice.
Dickson Doubles:
Those two new knees look good!!
Neal got this one of me...
I shot these in manual with a 1/200-1/300 shutter speed in burst mode. I downloaded the free trial for Adobe Photoshop Elements 8 today, and I really really wanted to be able to put some of the "bursts" together to show a sort of "stop motion"...but I have no idea how to work Adobe Photoshop...yet. I'm working on it, but for now I'm happy with just getting successful action shots.
So who's gonna teach me how to edit? Today was exhausting.
I thought you had mislabled the first picture - I absolutely thought it was Neal!!! (Bruce never wears a hat, so it threw me.) Wow, are they ever from the same gene pool! It was fun playing family doubles. :-)