There's something about watching someone bake that makes me makes me want to do it more. However, watching the dishes pile up, I remember why I do so little of it. I love coming back to Austin and being in Becky's kitchen. She is one of the best cooks and has the best kitchen. It's inviting, open, and there's always a great conversation (or 3) going on in there. Tonight's dessert: Lemon Meringue pie!
I've still got a long way to go with this whole "camera" thing. I'm still learning, and I find myself seeing things differently now. But even better, I'm having fun and learning even more about myself.
So if there's anyone out there who has any tips, programs that you suggest for editing, or books that were helpful, I'm all ears!!
I like that there's a glass of wine next to the pie... THAT'S the way to bake!