Monday, July 26, 2010

I Heart Natural Light

Tonight's picture plan was a bust. Neal had a softball game that I was going to photograph for the ol' photogblog, but then it rained. And I was at a loss. So I went through some of my old events on iPhoto looking for pictures to practice editing on (Photoshop Elements is STILL not getting any easier), when I ran across this beauty:
It's one of my favorites. Yes, it was taken before the idea of the blog experiment came into my head, but it's definitely me experimenting with the new camera. It's perfect natural lighting. And I love pictures of people laughing. I them. It's so real and tells so much. And, I mean, this girl is pretty. Am I right??

So I hope that you don't mind me using an old picture...once school starts, it'll probably happen a lot (but hopefully with some editing that makes it cooler and better and newer, right?).

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