Monday, March 12, 2012

A Little Person

There is something about this picture that gets me every time I look at it. Maybe it's the tip toeing little girl I see. Or the little helper standing there with Daddy. Whatever it is, I see this little person, and I can't help but wonder what she will be like in five years, or ten, or twenty.

I like to think that if they were here, my mom and dad would be proud of me. With the help of about ten different villages, I turned out okay. I hope that now, more than twenty years down the road, I am the person that my mom dreamed I would be.

This picture was a total fluke: I moved the chair, set up the timer on the camera, and sat down.  I did not even consider that my mom would be looking over my shoulder. 
It's been almost 23 years since my mom died. Twenty three years! It's so strange to think that my own mom never knew me. She only saw a glimpse of the personality that would emerge down the road. And think how much I've changed.

Harper's little personality is starting to come out more and more each day. But to imagine what kind of woman she will be, what kind of mom she will be, what lessons I will teach her that she will carry with her 23 years down the road is impossible to fathom. And for me, with each milestone and every birthday, I hope I remember to appreciate them a little more as a mom because I'm here. And I can only pray that I'm able to tell her myself how proud I am of her, twenty years down the road.

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