Monday, February 6, 2012

Day 5: 10 AM

Yesterday at 10 AM I was probably dusting or showering or something equally exciting. It left as quickly as it came, before I even had a chance to realize that was my photo challenge for the day. That seems to be the way a lot of my days tend to go. They pass quickly, most days going by without much to write home about. But here's the thing...although some days I am left wondering how 10 PM has already rolled around without having anything to show for it,  I look at this sweet book-chewing face and pray for a million more 10 AMs. I wouldn't trade anything in the world for 10 AM  tomorrow when I get to snuggle those sweet cheeks as she gets ready for her nap. Whether it's 10 AM or 3, or 7...I know that every minute I spend with her is precious; and I'm never guaranteed the next 10 AM. So the fact that I'm a day late with my photo challenge day #5 is okay, because hopefully instead of dusting or vacuuming or something lame, I was too busy reading to my daughter or singing with her or holding her before her morning nap to snap a picture. That's okay with you guys, right?! Besides, every person I run into these days tells me how fast she's going to grow I'm soaking it all in while I can. I'll be back tonight with Challenge #6.

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